All curriculum goals meet the Ohio Early Learning and Developmental Standards
Carol Nursery School is a 5 Star Step Up to Quality program. 5 Star ratings are awarded only to schools that greatly exceed licensing standards and are committed to:
- Continuous quality improvement
- Continuing education of teachers
- Utilizing learning and development standards to support children’s learning
- Relationship-building with families and communities
High-quality early learning and development experiences provide the basis for the brain’s development and directly impact how successful children are in kindergarten and beyond. These children are better prepared for school, life, and are more likely to have successful futures.
Carol Nursery School’s curriculum has been aligned with the Early Learning and Development Standards in all domains of school readiness. These standard meet academic goals without compromising our long-standing philosophy that states:
- Socialization skills of children, regardless of level, is our first priority
- In presenting information to children, we remain committed to developmentally appropriate practice.

Your child will:
- Be introduced to the classroom setting
- Experience separation from parents in a positive atmosphere
- Begin peer socialization
- Be exposed to an environment enhanced with music, art, movement and sensory exploration
- Explore free-choice activities spirited by the child’s natural curiosity
- Acquire listening and speaking skills with adults and peers
- Begin to follow a classroom routine to ensure “safe” feelings
- Be exposed to large muscle experiences – indoor and outdoor
- Be exposed to small muscle experiences – art, table toys, puzzles, blocks, writing tools
- Be exposed to language by daily communication with others, finger plays, songs and stories
Your child will:
- Continue positive socialization with peers
- Follow a general dependable routine
- Learn to make smooth transitions from one activity to another
- Develop relationships of mutual trust and respect with adults and peers and begin to understand perspectives of others
- Begin to understand and respect social and cultural diversity
- Begin to demonstrate coordination and balance during large muscle experiences – indoor and outdoor
- Begin to demonstrate coordination and strength during small muscle experiences – art, table toys, writing, blocks
- Become more independent in making choices
- Be encouraged to use words to problem solve and express feelings
- Experience sharing toys/equipment during cooperative play
- Participate in many sensory, science and simple cooking experiences
- Participate in large and small group activities
- Begin to show interest in simple math and letter concepts
- Be encouraged to develop language through discussions, rhymes, songs, stories, simple creative drama activities
- Be exposed to concepts related to good nutrition and the care of his/her body
- Participate in yoga and Sign Language with Specialists
Pre-K Classes
Your child will:
- Form friendships
- Develop a positive self-concept and attitude toward learning, self-control, and a sense of belonging
- Continue to develop relationships of mutual trust and respect with adults and peers, understand perspectives of others,and negotiate and apply rules of group living
- Understand and respect social and cultural diversity
- Develop more fully his/her small motor skills through challenging puzzles and advanced materials
- Play cooperative games with teachers and peers
- Experience field trips
- Be exposed to an expanded language arts curriculum – making books, keeping personal journal
- Be exposed to numbers and counting, and construct relationships among objects, people, and events, such as classifying, ordering, space and time
- Begin to understand letter concepts and be encouraged to write name and other familiar words
- Be exposed to advanced music/movement/creative dramatics
- Develop curiosity about the world, confidence as a learner, creativity and imagination, and personal initiative
- Participate in science and cooking experiences
- Participate in yoga and Sign Language with Specialists
- Gain knowledge about concepts related to good nutrition and the care of his/her body
- Participate in challenging large motor activities and games
- Work to acquire the readiness skills needed for kindergarten
Our academic goals include building skills in the following concentrations:
- Use language to communicate, problem solve, reason and predict
- Build vocabulary through shared reading experiences and conversations
- Practice writing
- Identify letters of the alphabet, particularly those in name
- Foster love of literature, listen to stories, predict outcomes, follow a sequence, and connect information and events with life experiences
- Develop phonemic/phonological awareness
- Awareness of earth, life and physical sciences
- Exploration of the natural world
- Cause and effect
- Inquiry and application- observe, predict and investigate
- A beginning understanding of maps
- Awareness and appreciation of diverse cultures, customs and traditions
- Civic participation – solving conflicts, demonstrating fairness and responsibility
- Number sense- Counting and identifying numerals
- Identifying, describing and comparing shapes
- Patterning, grouping and categorizing
- Describing and comparing measurable attributes